Schedule Service

Take a complimentary Lyft while you wait for your vehicle to be done with service at Walser CJDR Hopkins, MN!
By submitting this form you will be submitting a service appointment request and will be contacted within 48 hours by a service representative. The service representative will confirm the details of your appointment or if there are any changes that need to be made based on the request and schedule availability.
  • Contact Info

  • Vehicle Info

  • Requested Service(s)

  • By submitting this form you will be scheduling a service appointment at no obligation end will be contacted within 48 hours by a Service Technician. The service representative will confirm the details of your appointment or if there are any changes that need to be made based on the request and schedule availability.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


*Lyft rideshare shuttle service. Restrictions apply. Please see your service advisor for details upon arrival for your appointment